Gargi Raj Royal Academy


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  • Experienced and affectionate teachers with motherly touch.
  • Well ventilated rooms and spacious play ground.
  • Play –hut for Tiny Tots.
  • Educative films are screened every fortnightly.
  • Computer aided Library, with programs for every class, on every subject.
  • Polio- drops are give.
  • Home visit by teachers to know child’s habits.
  • Value based education, inculcating right virtues and good moral conduct.


The School gets no financial assistance either from government or from any other sources. The only resource is fee collected from the students.

The scholarship and prizes awarded to the students on various occasions are managed by school exclusively on its own level. The school is strictly against imposing any kind of extra financial burden on students/guardians during the particular session.


As regular attendance is an important requirement for successful result, a previously written application for leave must be submitted well in advance.
A student whose name has been struck for absence without leave and who has been habitually late for persistently careless or indisciplined may not be re-admitted, in the school.
Every student must be present on the re-opening day after each vacation.
It is advisable to ensure that a student is not disturbed during the examination days and is not asked to attend the family functions. No student can leave the school premises during school without the written permission of the Principal.


True education release capacities, develops analytical abilities, self confidence, will power and goal setting competencies and instills the vision that enable one to become a self – motivating agent of social change serving the best interests of the community. CLASS WORKS AND HOME WORK
Class-work which includes oral work, written work and class tests, is take into consideration for the examinations-assessment and promotions.
In all classes Home work in each and every subject is given every day. Respectect Guardians are requested to see that their children must complete their home-work regularly.


Parents are requested to look into their children’s school diaries everyday and see that the lessons and the home work assigned for the next day are done regularly by their wards.
Parents are not allowed to see their children or to meet their teachers during the school hours without the prior permission of the principal.
Parents are requested to inform the school of any change in their addresses.
(i) Parents are requested to sent their children to school time.
(ii) Presence of every child in the assembly is compulsory. On failing of the both above conditions the child will be sent back home.
No exams will b taken before and after examination schedule.


Progress of the students will be assumed on the basis of unit test and Half yearly in November and Annual examination in the month of March.
The marks obtained in these tests will be taken into consideration when deciding the annual promotions.
A student absent in any examination will not be re- examined.


Summer-7.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Winter- 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.